EPA’s Year Ahead 2016
Clean Power Plan • The supreme court stayed the implementation of this rule until the D.C. court rules on the pending litigation • This means states are not obligated to take action to meet the deadlines in the plan • States can voluntarily work towards these deadlines and goals • If the D.C. court rules in the EPA’s favor, only the Supreme Court can lift…
2015NSPS for Residential Wood Heaters
The New Source Performance Standards for hydronic heaters, wood-burning forced-air furnaces, pellet stoves, and other wood heaters was published on March 16, 2015. This rule sets standards for previously unregulated heaters, and updates standards for new, adjustable-rate woodstoves. However, the ruling gives manufacturers until the end of 2015 to sell any inventory that does not meet these standards. With 2015 quickly coming to a close, it…
Handy Checklist for you Annual QAQC Plan Review
As required by both 40 CFR 60 and 75, each facility must perform an annual review of their Quality Assurance Quality Control document. With the halfway point of the year quickly approaching, it is imperative that this process is not overlooked. There are a variety of things that need to be taken into consideration when performing this yearly review. Outlined below are items that should…