Extending the Life of your CEMS Equipment
The replacement cost for CEMS equipment is expensive, and with an average life expectancy of 8-10 years, you want to do whatever you can to extend that. You can add 2, 5 or even 10 years to the life or your equipment with these few simple housekeeping tips:
- DO YOUR DUSTING…Dust can get into mechanical parts and fans causing things to work harder or overheat. Change dust filters and use low-pressure compressed air to clean dust from analyzers, heat exchangers and air intakes.
- TURN DOWN THE HEAT…Heat is probably the biggest enemy to CEMS equipment. Check the temperature in the area where the CEMS equipment resides and make sure it remains between 68-72 degrees F. Clean the filters in your A/C, fans and vents. As noted above, remove any dust from heat exchangers. If your A/C dies, a simple fix is to slide the analyzer out of the rack and remove the cover until the A/C is repaired. This will prevent heat from being trapped inside and keep it cooler.
- MAKE SURE YOU FLUSH…Soot and salts can build up in your sample line and compromise your sample, or cause inaccurate emissions readings. Make sure you flush your sample lines on a regular basis. Some facilities can get away with an annual flush while others require flushing either quarterly or monthly.
Following these few simple tips can help increase the life expectancy of your equipment and provide you with more stable and accurate CEMS data. Air Tox provides regular preventative maintenance services to many of our customers that include these items. If you want to learn what service Air Tox can provide for you, please Contact Us.