Simple Tips for Avoiding Downtime

Out of Control Calibrations:

A calibration becomes out of control (OOC) when the cal drift value is 4 times the drift specification limit, or when the cal drift value is over 2 times the drift specification limit for 5 days in a row. The latter situation is for Part 60 calibrations only. For a Part 75 calibration, the data becomes invalid from the time of the failed calibration to the time of the next passing calibration. For Part 60 calibrations, data is invalidated back to the last good calibration up until the next passing calibration. In short, those invalid hours can add up pretty quick, especially with multiple OOC cals.

How to avoid:

  • If a cal has been drifting over 2 times the drift limit for 3 days or more, make necessary adjustments and run a calibration until drift is under 2x the limit. This avoids having 5 days in a row of drift over 2x the limit.
  • Recalibrate a failed cal as quickly as possible to minimize downtime
  • Schedule regular maintenance on the analyzers to minimize chances of an analyzer malfunction
  • Remember to change cal gas values in the DAS system when you change out a cal gas bottle. The calibration can be manually revalidated if this is the cause of an OOC cal, but this wastes time and can cause unnecessary confusion on site.
  • Call Air Tox for help with adjusting and recalibrating analyzers. We have a 24×7 emergency service that can dial into your system at any time to perform calibrations.


Poor Maintenance:

An analyzer requires regular maintenance in order for it to function properly. The lack of regular maintenance can lead to major system failures, which can take up to days to correct.

How to avoid:

  • Develop and maintain a regular maintenance schedule. An effective schedule will include weekly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annual items to be checked, tested and replaced. Air Tox can advise on what specific elements should be included in this schedule, and are experts at performing maintenance services.


Missed or Failed Audit Tests:

Audit tests such as a Linearity check, Cylinder Gas Audit (CGA), and Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) are required on a quarterly and annual basis. Data becomes invalid on the expiration of the grace period for these audits, or when an audit is failed.

How to Avoid:

  • Make sure you are aware of your site-specific audit requirements to ensure that the grace period for completing them is not missed.
  • All involved parties should be familiar with testing protocols and procedures
  • Complete quarterly maintenance before an audit so that analyzers are functioning at maximum potential
  • Complete a daily calibration before the start of an audit
  • If your facility has a flow monitor, running a flow test to verify the accuracy of the flow curve and velocity data is recommended before a RATA.
  • Air Tox is extremely competent in performing all audit tests, and has a wealth of experience troubleshooting should a test fail for any reason.