2008 OZONE NAAQS: Regulatory Update
On August 19th, 2015, the EPA proposed to take action on the 36 Marginal non-attainment areas under the 2008 Ozone NAAQS. Below is a summary of the EPA’s three proposals on these areas:
1. 17 of these areas will receive attainment status based on 2012-2014 certified data.
2. 8 areas will receive 1-year attainment date extensions based on their 4th highest daily maximum 8-hour value in 2014.
3. 11 areas will be bumped to “moderate” status, as they did not meet attainment based on 2012-2014 certified data. This implies that a revised SIP must be submitted for affected states. The Moderate attainment deadline is July 20th, 2018.
In Connecticut, the Greater Hartford area along with the New York, New Jersey, Long Island area (which includes part of CT) were not attaining and not eligible for a 1-year extension. Connecticut will have to revise their SIP accordingly.
For a complete list of EPA attainment/nonattainment area designations, see link below:
If you have any questions on how this may affect your facility, please contact AIRTOX.